Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Ken's Summer Reading (Well, maybe one or two)

Here are my plans for summer reads.  Hopefully I'll get through a few of them.  My summer usually consists of autobiographies and biographies of musicians/bands and historical literature.
Love Erik Larson's books.  Haven't been disappointed yet by him.

Another of my favorite authors.  Really get into the research he does with his co-writer. 

Tom Jones - always been interested in his life. Especially in his 1970's heyday. 
Saw the cover at Barnes and Noble.  Know nothing of it but it looks interesting.  Starts out with murder in a brothel in the first couple of pages.  Talk about grabbing attention! 
Lead singer of Iron Maiden.  Love my heavy metal reads \m/

1 comment:

  1. Dead Wake is an awesome book! I love all things Erik Larson writes; there were some creepy descriptions in this one. Let me know how you like it in the end!


Nonfiction is Amazing!

High school English teachers, and maybe teachers of literacy and reading across all ages, are guilty of over-emphasizing fiction over nonfic...